Tuesday, March 25, 2008
It'll Hurt If I Swallow
Arty took Bennett to the doctor yesterday; he has a sore throat. Nothing to be done, except keep up the pain reliever regimen. He ate a full container of sweet potatoes and cereal yesterday evening, so he must be feeling a little better. Today, his caregivers said he was acting normal, so I guess he is on the mend.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Easter Bunny Left a Fever, Instead of Eggs
Bennett had a cold this past week, which developed into a low fever Friday night. We thought he was cranky about the peas, but goodness sakes, he was worse about the fever. We've been pumping him with pain reliever, and he seems to be feeling somewhat better. You can tell from the picture that he was in a better mood, even if he did have a meltdown about 30 minutes later.
What's so funny is that Bennett is obsessed with this elephant's tail...and the stuff on his face is cookie. He got to try his first teething biscuit today because he wouldn't eat any cereal and hardly any pears (we put the peas away--for now). By the way, you can tell Arty wrote the last post, because I actually like peas; broccoli is another story.
I added a picture of pretty Bonita. She went to the beauty shop today and looks FABULOUS! Oh, and Penny looks like she might be losing some weight. The diet continues...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Oh, how I love them peas!!!
So Bennett got his first taste of peas tonight. All I can say is that boy hates peas. You can't blame him; they are nasty. His talking back/out in this video is priceless. He sure can get his point across without needing words.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Baby Calisthenics
By the way, Happy St. Patrick's Day! Hope you remembered to wear green. We did!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Sitting up
Bennett is sitting up, albeit wobbly. He is learning how to use his hands for balance, but he occasionally crashes. He usually falls straight back (hence the pillow behind him), but amazingly enough, he doesn't cry. I don't know how I got such a tough kid, because I'm a big wimp.
We are also starting Bennett on a sippy cup. He doesn't get it yet; he just thinks it's a toy, but his caregiver, Miss Angie, thought it would be a good idea. We had been contemplating the introduction, and had already bought the sippy cups, but she gave us the kick we needed to get it started.
Other than that, not much is changing. Arty and I are spending our first night away from Bennett Saturday to celebrate our anniversary (8 yrs). Bennett's Aunt Tiana and Uncle John are coming to visit and watch him. We have a 3 page typed memo on how to take care of Bennett, so I think they'll be OK. He really is an easy baby these days. They are expecting a baby in August, so I hope they don't think it starts out this easy! Or maybe they will be lucky and get a happy baby from the start. Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Karaoke Night
Thanks to Pappo and Miss Natalie for the fun toy. It kept Bennett occupied long enough for his mommy to make and EAT her breakfast.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Laughs from toot sounds
I'm sure there will be a point in Bennett's life that mom and dad get mad at him makings "toot" sounds, but that time isn't now. Oh what great parents we are.
Bennett "talking"
So Bennett is talking so much you can't get him to be quiet. He is either babbling about the weather or razzin' up a storm, either way the boy is making some noise.
Monday, March 3, 2008
6 months old and chillin'
Bennett turned 6 months old today! He's a happy boy. And a big boy. He weighs 19 lbs, 7 oz (80th percentile) and is 29 1/4 in. long (95th percentile). He got 5 vaccines, and got to leave daycare early because he was running a slight temp. As you can tell from these pictures this evening, he's feeling better.
Bennett in his GQ pose.
Bennett's first taste of baby food. Though he's been eating cereal twice a day, we finally started him on baby food. Yummy squash (can't you tell how much Bennett enjoyed it from his face!?).
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