Monday, April 21, 2008

Trip to Zoo

Bennett's first friend, McKenna, came to visit this past weekend. McKenna is about 4 months older, but Bennett outweighs her by 4 lbs. He sure can't keep up with her though! She's crawling and almost walking.

Bennett's first train ride.

McKenna's big brother, Slade, being so helpful by holding Bennett in the Monkey Mobile.

Mommy holding Bennett, with Mommy's best friend (and Slade and McKenna's mommy), Misty, behind her, along with Slade and McKenna, of course. How many commas can fit in one sentence!?

Big Boy Carseat

Bennett's last day in his baby seat

All grown up!

Bennett is no longer able to use his infant seat; he's just too big! So 3 trips to Babies R Us and 3 different car seats later, he finally has a big boy seat that can go with us on our trip to California this summer. Our baby is growing up.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Where's the Beach?

Today was Hat Day at daycare (where his hat is now subsequently lost), and Bennett really got into the theme. We also had Family Picnic Day today, and I realized that my son is a bit of a bully. One of the kids wanted to play with the phone Bennett was playing with, and Bennett was not having it. Then, the teacher gave the other baby a different toy, and Bennett grabbed it. Poor kid didn't know what hit him (he's not quite as big and agile as Bennett). We'll have to keep an eye out so our only child doesn't ACT like an only child.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why has it been so long since the last post, Mommy?

Because Bennett, Mommy is a very busy lady. But Mommy still loves you the same, no matter how busy she is.

OK Mommy, I'm happy with that answer, but you need to try harder. My far-away relatives rely on this blog to see pictures of cute-as-pie me!

Smith, get out of the way! Mommy is trying to take pictures of me, and I'm wondering why she is holding that gray box up to her head.

I love my Smith.

Onto updates: Bennett is becoming very mommy-centric. Only the best will do, right? He also now likes green beans and is trying new finger foods, like cut-up cooked canned carrots and sweet potato fries. He hasn't quite worked out the pincer grasp (using just the pointer finger and thumb), but he's got the concept of putting food into the mouth.

Bennett is becoming the tummy time rebel. If you put him on his tummy, he'll roll over onto his back. Mommy is heading to an Aretha Franklin concert, so off she goes again--that busy Mommy.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Bennett Turns 7 Months Old

Yesterday Bennett turned the big 0-7 months. I weighed him today, and he tips the scales at 20.2 lbs. Pretty soon he'll need a big boy carseat. In other weight news, Penny lost .2 lbs from the last time we weighed her, but she's still over 10 lbs. I feel her pain though; I have about 4 more lbs of baby weight to go.

This picture is of Bennett tonight after he finished trying some ham. His dad said Bennett was telling me, "No quiero jamon, Mama!" That was probably right. But he does love his Melissa & David bumblebee high chair toy, which was featured in this month's American Baby. We're stylin' and profilin' here in the Wheaton-Rodriguez household.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I forgot to post Bennett's Easter picture. Better late than never, right?

My Boys

Big Announcement

Bennett's rolling over was my big announcement. I am NOT, repeat NOT, pregnant. Bennett rolling over was just so exciting for me because he was a little behind in the rolling department. Sorry for the confusion!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

They see me rollin'...

Thinking about it.

Why does Mommy have the camera? Is she thinking what I'm thinking? That it's about time I rolled, and I look like I might actually make it happen?

It's happening...

Success! My first ever roll caught on tape. And another one [milestone] bites the dust. Bring on the Olympics--I'll show those Chinese a thing or two.

Yummy Toes

New trick alert!!! Bennett can put his foot in his mouth. Other new updates that occurred this week: he started meats (chicken so far-ewwww), and he is going to have a new baby boy cousin to play with in the summer. Congrats to Aunt Tiana and Uncle John! We're ecstatic that there will be another boy baby in the family! There is one more new update, but I'm going to save it for the next post because its a biggy!