If this doesn't put you in the Christmas mood then nothing will...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Voila! A Santa Picture Sans Tears
It took a lot of talking up Santa, showing online pictures and videos pre-visit and being 3rd in a very long line, but by golly, Bennett sat on Santa's lap and we were able to get the tiniest of smirks out of him. We were just happy he didn't cry. On the flip side, we might have done a little over-hyping because he keeps asking about Santa and when he gets "pesents" (and he means presents, not peasants...even though he's an only child and a little spoiled, I promise we're not getting him an indentured servant for Christmas this year. He's still too young.) I've tried explaining how the whole countdown calendar and our morning ritual of putting an ornament on the calendar means its not showtime yet, but alas, he continues to request pesents daily. I'm hoping he can hold out until at least Christmas Eve, when he'll get to open a couple.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Baby, It's Cold Outside
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did. It was beautiful weather down in Houston. We returned on Sunday to a 20 degree temp drop and its been dropping ever since. We might even see some snow this week. I know posts are becoming few and far between, but we're busy here. Not only are we gearing up for the holidays, but we decided now would be the perfect time to put the house up for sale and buy a new one(sarcasm intended). We're going to keep our fingers crossed that we can make a tiny bit of something on the house and get into a new house in a better school district. Regardless, we're super-excited about Christmas this year because this will be the first year that Bennett sort of understands what is going on. We're taking him to see Santa on Saturday and we've been hyping up the big guy, showing Bennett pictures and videos on the computer. Hopefully when it comes time to sit on Santa's lap, we can get a good picture this year. Here are some pictures of Bennett I took today. One in the backseat of the car (isn't that hat adorable?) and the other while he was scaring Daddy with his new monster towel (thank you, Kohl's, for having a kick-a$$ Black Friday sale).

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Woof Woof and the Giant Slide
Bennett talked his mother into getting a "Build A Bear" this past week. His name is Woof Woof and he is now Bennett's best bud. They even dress alike. You can barely see Woof Woof in this pic, but Bennett is driving him around on his fire truck.

Bennett got invited to a bounce house birthday party and although he won't get in a bounce house with us, peer pressure got the best of him and he was off. Here is a video of him on the giant inflatable slide.
Bennett got invited to a bounce house birthday party and although he won't get in a bounce house with us, peer pressure got the best of him and he was off. Here is a video of him on the giant inflatable slide.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Win a Melissa & Doug Play Kitchen!
I don't usually put offers like these on our blogs, but man, this is too good of a deal to pass up. We've been eyeing one of these for Bennett for Christmas. Here's the link: http://blog.melissaanddoug.com/2009/10/28/melissa-doug-play-kitchen-giveaway/
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween-A Tale of Two Costumes
Bennett's October has been a constant battle to get into costume and learning how his cuteness exponentially increases his amount of clinginess to Mommy. He doesn't like adults telling him how cute he is (egads, don't talk to directly to him!) and he has been incredibly cute as both a cowboy and Elmo. We went to a Halloween costume wedding for Arty's cousin, Amanda, and we had a Sesame Street theme built around Bennett's Elmo character. Mommy was Elmo's goldfish, Dorothy, and Daddy was the Count.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Weekend Without Daddy
Daddy was out of town this weekend, so we went wild! We went to the local park and the zoo on Saturday. On Sunday, we went to the grocery store, the Forest Park train, and Trinity Park. Bennett is a complete daredevil on the slides. I helped him up the big kids' stairs the first few times and then told him to do it on his own. With my heart in my mouth, I watched him struggle and make it again and again, and the smile on his face when he came down that big slide is priceless.
At the zoo
Showing off his new train whistle
Climbing up the ladder to the big slide
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Washington D.C.
From this slide show you can see Bennett enjoyed himself in Washington DC. He and dad got to explore the city while mom was stuck in training:(
Ride'em Cowboy!
Please note that our little city boy enjoyed the 25 cent plastic horse WAY MORE than the $8 pony. However, the pony won Mommy & Daddy's heart because Bennett told him "Bye, Wusty" when we left. This child is talking up a storm. He calls Smith "Bish", Penny is "P.E." and on and on. He can say "far twuck", "up high", "airpane". You just wouldn't believe the sentences he makes. He's growing so fast, but then, I guess that is the point of the blog. :-)

Monday, September 7, 2009
Zoo & Playdoh
We went to the zoo on a whim this afternoon. Then Bennett found the playdoh and took it over to his table, which I interpreted as him wanting to play. He loves making spaghetti and says "whey, whey, WEEEEEE" as he pumps the levers to make the spaghetti. As I'm typing this, he just got his leg stuck in the child gate and started yelling, "KNEE, KNEE!" He is really talking a lot. At the zoo, he said "rhino, mahkey, and dog-roo (kangaroo)". He also called the clown fish NEMO! Hilarious! I'm glad he doesn't remember that Nemo gave him nightmares.

Learning to Climb
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Bennett's B-Day photos
The farm came to our backyard as did many of Bennett's friends. The weather was great, the kids had fun and mommy and daddy have a year's worth of toys to sort through.
Enjoy the pics.
Enjoy the pics.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
What, this isn't all for me?
We were down in Houston this weekend for Jonas' first birthday. Bennett had fun playing with all of Jonas' new toys and creating general chaos. 
Flickr! slide show
Natty and Me
Sunday, August 2, 2009
A few pictures
There aren't many vacation pics on my camera as we all were enjoying ourselves too much.
Bennett the pirate
An old zoo pic
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Where has the time gone?
Friday, July 17, 2009
I'm a Gabba Watcher
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Auntie Dana's Wedding
Pretty much everyone that reads this blog will enjoy the pictures here http://www.flickr.com/photos/39542870@N08/sets/ .
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Lost in Translation
Before we head down to Houston this weekend, I thought I would give the family there a heads up on some of the Bennettisms they should expect to hear. Ne ("neigh") means "I'm done". "Ming" is the equivalent of "please". "tSiiiide" means "outside". "Wa-er" could mean water or milk and must be clarified because if you try to give water when Bennett really wants milk, a tantrum is sure to ensue. However, "mih" can be specified with your help. Other words are as clear as day, like up, dog, ball, bowl, and the ever present whazat.
Here are some pictures of Bennett drawing this evening.

Here are some pictures of Bennett drawing this evening.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Daddy's new toy
I got a new camera for my birthday, early father's day and losing 15 pounds (17 now!!!). I'll try to keep this post going with the flickr slideshow.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Summer is for Outside
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Dallas Children's Museum
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sick Day
Bennett has been out of school with an on-again, off-again fever for the last couple of days. We're pretty sure it is his molars coming in, because he has no other symptoms except for the fleeting fever. Whatever it is, we're going along, business as usual. We went to Wal-mart, got shoes for Auntie Dana's wedding at DSW and then visited the zoo after nap.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
How 'Bout That?!
That is Bennett's phrase of the day. We're not sure where he picked it up, but he uses it for every opportunity. He could be saying something else, but that is what we think he is saying. Look at the dog, mom. How 'bout that? What do you want to wear today, Bennett? How 'bout that? Don't shake your sippy upside down! How 'bout that! It is amazing how many different inflections can be given to one phrase. Here are some pictures from our last swim class. Bennett doesn't like going on his back and getting water in his ears, but he really liked getting out of the pool and jumping in.

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