Bennett has been out of school with an on-again, off-again fever for the last couple of days. We're pretty sure it is his molars coming in, because he has no other symptoms except for the fleeting fever. Whatever it is, we're going along, business as usual. We went to Wal-mart, got shoes for Auntie Dana's wedding at DSW and then visited the zoo after nap.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
How 'Bout That?!
That is Bennett's phrase of the day. We're not sure where he picked it up, but he uses it for every opportunity. He could be saying something else, but that is what we think he is saying. Look at the dog, mom. How 'bout that? What do you want to wear today, Bennett? How 'bout that? Don't shake your sippy upside down! How 'bout that! It is amazing how many different inflections can be given to one phrase. Here are some pictures from our last swim class. Bennett doesn't like going on his back and getting water in his ears, but he really liked getting out of the pool and jumping in.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Playing ball...
Here is a rather long video of Bennett and me playing ball (aka fetch). He had a great time being faked out by his dad and would get mad when I didn't fake him out.
Bennett goes back to his roots
Bennett has begun dancing more and more these days. By far his favorite music can be heard at your local flea market. Enjoy!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
I've had the perfect Mother's Day and wanted to share some pictures from the day. Now that Bennett is getting older (20 months-wow!), it is becoming so much more special to me to be a mother. I'm really enjoying how quickly he is learning new things and how much he understands. We went to the zoo for a bit this afternoon, and Bennett was intrigued by the otter, which is what he is excitedly pointing at in the picture below. Oh, and I have to give some props to my hubby who made me the best Mother's Day video card ever--brought tears to my eyes when I saw it this morning. I love you, Arty.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ren Fest
Even with the mud, rain, and swine flu, we all packed up and went to the Renaissance Festival or what the people up here call Scarborough Faire. Bennett had a great time running around, visiting the petting zoo (no, you can't grab the chicken by its feathers--Let go! Let go!), and eating turkey legs.

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