Friday, December 28, 2007

I love the taste of blanket in the morning...

Bennett is going crazy wanting stuff in his mouth, but he can't quite figure out how to keep the items there. After picking up his Eeyore about 10 times, I decided to take a picture.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Day

Daddy & Bennett Bennett in his new Jumperoo
Oh Boy! What a long day!

Twas the Days Leading up to Christmas

Bennett says: My cousins, Ashley and Michael, visited me. We did lots of fun stuff, like make a gingerbread house! I had a great time because I had someone to carry me around non-stop.
Then, we took a long drive to Houston to spend time with family. I saw my Grandma Karen and my Grandpa Andy and my mom's whole family.
Look at me in my cute sweater vest. I even had matching socks. Unfortunately, I hate any sweaters or coats, so this vest didn't last long.
I also saw my daddy's family. Here is my Aunt Christy, Uncle Steve, and my cousins again.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More Circuit Training...

Bennett was weighed today and he weighs 17 lbs! Wow! Of course, he did have his clothes on, so take away a lb for that. Here is a picture of Bennett doing his favorite part of the Mommy-working circuit-training routine. Can't you tell that Bennett is super-excited that his cousins are coming to visit him tonight? We probably won't be checking back in until after Christmas, so have a Merry One! And hopefully Bennett's Mommy will have a Happy Birthday tomorrow.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

First Birthday Party

Bennett went to his first birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. Even though it was a princess party, he enjoyed the bright lights and television screens, which his mommy doesn't allow him to watch at home. Here is a picture of Bennett with the birthday girl's mom, Alma. The birthday girl, Sierrah, wore an awesome Snow White outfit, and had a bunch of fun. Happy Birthday, Sierrah!

Also, Thursday night, the Texans won. A Christmas miracle (oops, did I write that out loud). Bennett "watched" football with Daddy, while Mommy went grocery shopping in peace.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Working while Mommy is working

Bennett decided to blog today...Here's what he had to say: The fun thing about Mommy teleworking is that I can stay in my pajamas all day long! I am finally getting the hang of this activity chair. The box said only for four-month-olds, but what do they know? I'm having a grand time, but my attention span is very short, so I have many different stations to keep me occupied while Mommy works.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sleeping Through the Night

We were afraid he stopped breathing, so Arty checked him at 4:30; Allyssa checked in on him at 5:30, but alas, he just wanted to sleep until 5:45. Our baby boy slept over 9 hours straight last night. Its our own little Christmas miracle. Hopefully this is a trend that will continue.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Bennett is 3 months old today!

Last night he surprised us by sleeping for 6 hours, waking for a feeding, and then sleeping another 3 1/2 hours. Our boy is growing up. Yes! Here is his picture with Santa, taken the day after Thanksgiving. No line. yippee!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Thanksgiving Pictures

Just got back from the doctor and Bennett has his first ear infection. Here are some pictures of happier times--Thanksgiving in Houston.
Mommy & Bennett

Grandpa Andy & Bennett

Bennett & his BFF McKenna, who is 6 months old, but teeny compared to our gigantic boy...he just needs to grow another inch or so to surpass her!

Bennett Grasping--the Picture

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Grasping at Straws...or Rattles

Bennett has been trying to grab his toys for the longest time, and on Sunday-SUCCESS! He's now having great fun grabbing his links and rattles and throwing them down. Then he gets frustrated that all his toys are missing. He's keeping Mommy very busy!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A growing personality

So Bennett does a little more than cry and poop now. We have found a little get Bennett to smile trick, so enjoy.

Bennett and His Mobile

Bennett is really starting to take notice of his surroundings. With his mobile going around he will track the various animals and occasionally try to hit them. This video was taken when he was two months old.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bennett at 5 weeks

Okay, so he is growing up really fast and finally starting to sleep a little regularly. Here is a short video of him in his swing.

Bennett video (Saying Hello)

This is a video of Bennett shortly after he made his arrival.

Bennett has arrived

Bennett Avery Wheaton Rodriguez was born on September 3, 2007. He weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 inches long.