Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More Circuit Training...

Bennett was weighed today and he weighs 17 lbs! Wow! Of course, he did have his clothes on, so take away a lb for that. Here is a picture of Bennett doing his favorite part of the Mommy-working circuit-training routine. Can't you tell that Bennett is super-excited that his cousins are coming to visit him tonight? We probably won't be checking back in until after Christmas, so have a Merry One! And hopefully Bennett's Mommy will have a Happy Birthday tomorrow.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Allyssa, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I sent an email to you earlier to day, but I realized much later in the day that it was to your work address, and that you might not be checking work email yet. (I couldn't remember.) Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful day!
