This past weekend we traveled down to Houston to give Bennett's Aunt Tiana and Uncle John a baby shower to welcome the impending arrival of his SECOND boy cousin, Jonas (long story behind this in which I made a complete arse of myself-what else is new?). Bennett explored Aunt Tiana & Uncle John's dogs' kennels which are bigger than our kennels for Penny and Bonita. He had great fun opening and closing the doors and crawling through them.

Then, he learned how to climb their stairs. Thank goodness we don't have stairs at home, because the boy was quick!

Saturday night Bennett came down with a fever. Monday he stayed home with Mommy and went to see the doctor, who found that Bennett's average cold had made room for a nice ear infection, 7 days before our vacation that involves a flight. Lovely! Here's to hoping Bennett is healed by next week. Work antibiotics, work!
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